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Exchange from Svyaznoy RUR to XEBR USD

The exchange operation from Svyaznoy RUR to XEBR USD is processed automatically. You will receive funds within 1 minute after payment.

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  • Спасибо огромное за быстрый обмен! Рекомендую!

  • Отлично, как всегда всё отлично, всем рекомендую!!!!Лучший обменник!!!

    Анна, Ukraine
  • the best exchange, i receive my confirmation in only a few minutes

    Gerardo Rocha, Mexico
  • The only exchanger, that allows automatic Epayments transfer, Funds are coming in 1 minute as advertised. Great!

    Lempert, Moldova
  • My second transaction from Payza to AdvCash was for only 10 minutes. You're great. Thanks.

    Lejla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Amazing fastly . I did exchance 5 times and will continue . Thanks

    Ugur, Turkey
  • INSTANT EXCHANGE SERVICE with REASONABLE COMMISSIONS. I have made my first exchange ($250 from PAYZA to VISA Card) with them about three days ago and they have sent funds into my card today, instantly after successful PAYZA review. Now I am hoping that issuing bank of my VISA card will also react the same way in clearing the funds so that I finally receive money into my card. I would gladly like to come again and again to avail such a nice and honest exchange service from and will recommend to my peer group to do the same as well.

    Mubashar Habib
  • Very fast transaction. The best services!!! Thaank you very much!!!

    chelimo, Spain
  • It was great experience
    I exchanged from PM to Payza :-)

    Meysam, Germany
  • Amigos latinos, este es el mejor intercambiado de la Red, rápido, seguro y confiable, a tarjeta visa muy rapido y con bajas comisiones lo mejor de lo mejor

    Agustin Flores Hernandez, Jalisco México, Mexico
  • Good exchanger for Payza => BTC-e USD

  • Netex is the best exchange site

    Enkhbat, Mongolia
  • Обменный пункт высшего уровня! Никаких проблем, все быстро и надежно! Спасибо Вам!

    Юрий, Ukraine
  • did a payza to paxum transfer and it's really fast, i can vouch for this guys

    Mr. B, Philippines
  • Paxum to OKPay in 5 second. Perfect!

    M.K, Poland
  • Unbelievable fast exchanges from my payza to perfect money. I will recommend to all my friends. thanks Admin.

    Todd Davidson, Nigeria
  • Отличный обменник! Так держать!!!

  • Really fast and safe! WMZ to Paxum is instant! Definitely will use again!

    The Mentor, Romania