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Exchange Bitcoins to OKPAY USD automatically

The request with Bitcoins is active for 10 minutes, then it is assigned as "Expired". Please, make the payment within 10 minutes.

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  • J'ai fait un transfert par Netex pour la première fois et a été agréablement surpris. Mon paiement a été transféré instantanément. Je suis un nouveau fan de Netex et va l'utiliser régulièrement maintenant.
    Je vous remercie.

  • Excelente servicio. Bajas comisiones en Paxum - PM USD. Transacción al instante.

    Bladimir, Mexico
  • lo scambiatore migliore al mondo. grazie!

    Manuel, Italy
  • Wow its just awesome.. I exchanged perfect money to Payeer instantly.. I mean within a second... Long live netx.....

    jelna, Bangladesh
  • Thanks to all the successful transfer took 5 minutes

  • Congratulation Admin. I received my second payment.

    Tipu, Bangladesh
  • Very fast transaction. The best services!!! Thaank you very much!!!

    chelimo, Spain
  • Super simple to use interface, the changes are safe, and the fee charged is fine.

    Victor, Guatemala
  • Perfect experience, i have exchanged to BTC-E code and the transaction was automatic, instantaneous and flawless !

    Cris, Italy
  • Wow, this is very cool. I just did Perfect Money to Payza exchange, and i login to my payza account just after the exchange; my money has been deposited instantly. This is the best exchange service I've ever seen. I strongly recommend to everyone.

    Godwin Daniel Akpan, Mali
  • My first exchange from PZ to PM. Batch: 91248647
    Good job Netex... Thank you!

    Nguyen, Viet Nam
  • Excelent service , very very fast and low cost Okpay to payiza, in less than 30 seconds and had my money in Payza and only a commission of 0.29 usd 59.94 usd for sending

    Julio, Venezuela
  • Extremly fast and relieble exchanger.

    Alberto, Spain
  • ePayments-Perfect Money в секунду. Отлично. Спасибо!

    Egons, Latvia
  • This heat exchanger is the number 1 it's the best

    Mehmed, Czech Republic
  • Really fast and safe! WMZ to Paxum is instant! Definitely will use again!

    The Mentor, Romania
  • The best, I was scared to try at first but I closed my eyes and do instant $600 transaction and it went fine.

    Ayodeji, Russia